Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Strawberry Pickin'

This morning, Dylan and I went walking with Maggie, Tana and Hillary. We walked 2.6 miles! GO US!!!!! Dylan did great. He definitely got tired, but that's totally expected for a 4 yr old. He tried giving up til Tana reminded him of the cookie waiting for him at her house so he quickly changed his mind and was all about finishing. LOL!!!!

After our walk, we went to pick Strawberries. Dylan LOVED it!!!! We ended up with 4 lbs of strawberries and he wanted more, so I promised once these are gone, we''go back to get more. So when we get home, he asks if he can eat some of them. HAHA!!!!

Tomorrow we have a picnic at the Downtown Waterfront Park with some amazing ladies!!!!

Here's a few pics of our strawberry adventure!

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