Friday, April 23, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Welcome to The Jackson Blog! Lately I have been thinking about how we live so far away from so many important and wonderful people in our lives, and sometimes it's just not that easy to talk to everyone and keep in touch like we would like to. And there are so many people in our lives that want to know what's going on with us as well. So, I have decided that maybe if I wrote a blog that everyone could go to see what has been going on with us, that it may help everyone stay updated with what we're up to and how we're doing.

I know what you're going to stay. There are so many of us that have facebook, but facebook will limit how much you can write in a status (and be honest, how many of actually read long statuses in the first place? anyone? No. Most of the time I don't either. I don't blame you. LOL!) If I do it on here, I can post what we're all doing on one post and put a few pictures up to. And we all know how much I love to take pictures. I'm surprised the boys don't permanently see spots.

Maybe I should get this blog started. You're probably all ready to be done reading now, aren't you?

Well, TJ is currently on his 5th cycle of recruits. This past Tuesday they just had Initial Drill. TJ didn't take them out but he's the one that taught the recruits drill. His platoon placed 3rd!!!! YAY!!!!! They will be spending the next two weeks out at the rifle range. It's gun shootin' time! This platoon will graduate in June and then at the beginning of July, TJ will pick up his 6th and final platoon. Once that cycle is over, we'll be packing up and moving to Cherry Point, NC. I'm not exactly ecstatic about moving there, but I'll get used to it. And hey if not, TJ said he can request a new duty station in 2 years, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed we end up in Miramar. I'm ready to explore the West Coast. The up side to moving to Cherry Point is that my cousin, Jerey, (yup I'm talking about you) and his wife, Tina, (yup, I'm talking about you too Tina. I can't talk about Jerey and not talk about you) is at Camp Lejuene an hour away so I can go bug them anytime I want. LOL!

Dylan is in T-Ball right now on the GA Bulldogs!!!! GO BULLDOGS!!!! We certainly got the long end of the stick in that one. I am the coach of the team, along with my friend Maggie. The kids are SO much fun to watch. Tomorrow morning is our 3rd game and Dylan is so excited. That kid would play baseball everyday if he could. He's gonna be so disappointed when the season is over but I'm hoping to get him in to swim lessons so I think he'll be fine.

We have also registered Dylan for kindergarten this week and he can't stop telling anyone that he meets about how he gets to go to school soon. And I mean anyone. From the 1st Sgt at Initial Drill to the CO of the Battalion yesterday to the stranger at Lowe's this afternoon. He is excited. The part he's most excited about? Riding the school bus. He can't wait.

As for me, jsut doing the stay-at-home mom thing: cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Dylan. And we can't forget the coaching, which is more involved than you would think. I'm also trying to do more on base and get involved more.

Well that's about it for now. The boys are already asleep and now it's my bedtime. Gotta get up and ready for the game in the morning! Goodnight!!!!

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