Sunday, May 2, 2010

Dylan Has A Girlfriend

Lately Dylan can't stop talking about this little girl named Karis. She's the daughter of a friend of ours and we hang out with them a lot. Last week was her birthday and yesterday we were invited over for a birthday party for her/ PJ party for the grown-ups. We went to Target the other day to pick out her present and we get to the cashier and as the cashier is ringing up Karis's present, Dylan tells her, "Thats for my girlfriend, Karis. Her birthday is tomorrow." And then we get home and I'm making her gift bag and Dylan decides he wants to make her a picture. So he draws a picture of Karis and her family and then two pictures of pink and green polka dots (Karis likes polka dots and her those are her favorite colors). It was SO cute!

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