The past few months have been crazy. With the end of T-Ball, came the ridiculously hot weather. It was so hot, it was too miserable to go outside. Also, towards the middle of May, TJ got into som trouble at work, so he was sat down. It turned into a big deal and he was facing a court martial and possible brig time. Within two weeks of TJ being sat down, we found that we were expecting. Not exactly perfect timing, but when is it ever when it comes to having a chid?
With the possibility of TJ going to the brig, we decided to go ahead and get married. We were just going to have a courthouse wedding, but my friends insisted on doing something small. So, in the 24 hour waiting period SC has, I talked to TJ and we agreed to have our friend, who is a Chaplain, marry us, and perform the ceremony on the beach with a friends. We didn't have to plan a thing. My friends did it all and it was beautiful. I wouldnt have had it any other way. It was beautiful outside.
Because of everything going on, we didn't get a honeymoon, but that's OK. One day, we'll take our own trip and just live it up then. After the wedding, we had to start figuring out what we were going to do with TJ going to court and leaving. Our first step was to talk to housing and get me enrolled in DEERS and TriCare. Those were both pretty easy. We got a house on Laurel Bay in 3 days and moved in right away since I couldn't do most of the heavy lifting.
Then court day came. Bobbie kept Dylan while we went to court to see what exactly they were going to sentence TJ with. We were there all day and in the end they sentenced him to 10 months in the brig and they'll kick him out of the Marine Corp after he's done. With good behavior, TJ can get out in 8 1/2 months. That day was definitely one of the hardest days we had to deal with.
After TJ left, I had to get this house unpacked and ready for Dylan's birthday party. The birthday party was a HUGE success. He had a blast and we definitely got Toy Story decked that day.

Dylan had a busy two weeks in August. On top of a birthday party, he also had swim lessons, which he LOVED!!!! When we started the lessons, my main goal for him was to put his head under water, a task we've been working on since last summer but have had no success with. Not only did Dylan accomplish putting his head underwater, he also learned to jump into the pool by himself and swim with a boogie board. WOO HOO!!!!!
Dylan has also had another big day in his life: The First Day Of School!!!!!! Last Monday, August 16th, was his first day. All week last week was a half day. Today marked the first day of a full day for him and he loved it! Let's keep our fingers crossed his love of learning never goes away. It will make for a much easier 13 years. LOL!!!!!
With the beginning of school, we also have the beginning of soccer. His first practice was Thursday. He seems to love it. The parents, on the other hand, were anxiously awaiting the end of practice. It was ridiculously hot. We all can't wait for it to start cooling down.
It was two weeks after TJ left, that we finally heard from him. It took them forever to get our number approved for phone calls. His first call was on Dylan's birthday. It made his day. And now that our number is approved, he can call whenever. This past Friday, visitation was approved so I went out there Saturday to visit. We decided not to bring Dylan the first time just to see what it was like. It was SO GREAT to see him! But it does make me miss him more. Knowing he's so close but I can't see him is hard sometimes. Next weekend, I'm going to take Dylan. We're going Sunday since Dylan has his opening soccer ceremonies Saturday.
Among everything going in, I've had doctor appointments for the baby and everything is going well. I found out last week though, I failed the 1 hour glucose test, so now I have to take the 3 hour test on Friday. I am not looking forward to this. Hopefully I'll pass that one and won't have gestational diabetes. My next ultrasound is Sept. 1oth. I pretty much begged radiology to let me do it a little early in hopes to find out the sex of the baby so I can tell TJ when we go visit for his birthday. Let's keep our fingers crossed Baby Jackson isn't going to be shy that day so we can find out if we're having a boy or girl. And on the 13th is my regular doctor appointment.